Name |
Dr. Dheeraj Kumar Mohapatra |
Designation |
Associate Professor |
Qualification |
M Phil, Ph.D |
E-mail Id |
dheerajmohapatra@gmail.com |
Telephone |
9861065375 |
Has been teaching Odissi vocal music to Postgraduate and M. Phil students at the Odissi vocal department of Utkal University of Culture since 2007 as a Guest Faculty. Yearly, about 40 students learn Odissi vocal music which include, the Raganga, Bhabanga, Natyanga, Dhrubapadanga, Champu, Chhanda, Choutisha, Gita Govinda, and Bhajana, Janana style of Odissi music, covering the post graduate syllabus under his guidance. Since last three years, he has been serving as the only guest faculty in the Odissi vocal department for teaching as well as for other constructive responsibilities needed.
Areas of Interest/Specialisation
Interest in exploring and elevating the traditional form of Odissi vocal music through continuous research.
Awards & Honours
1 | Honored with Senior Fellowship award for the project titled, Classical Odissi Vocal and its Prospects, for the batch year 2021-22 in the field of Dance & Dance Music, Sub-Field Odissi Music for a period of two years with effect from 01-07-2023 by CCRT, Ministry of Culture, Govt. of India. |
2 | Awarded and honored with Sara Sangeetacharya Sammana, January, 2023 – by Kalpabata Bhajana Sandhya Trust, Station Rd, Patia, Bhubanesar, Khordha. Registration No – 1082213423 |
3 | Awarded and honored with Kavichandra Prativa Sangeeta Sammana – 2022 by Kavichandra Kala Parishada, Banki, Cuttack, Odisha. |
4 | Awarded and honored with Sujanashila Pratibha Sammana – 2022, Manapatra by Kalashrama, Bhubaneswar, Registration No – 1152-54/ 2005-2006. |
5 | Awarded and honored with Guru Harihara Khuntia Sammana – 2022 by Guru Harihara Khuntia Smruti Samitee, Kalika Devi Sahi, Puri. Registration No – 5616-63/2001-09. |
6 | Released an audio CD “Hari Hari”, Jayadeva’s Gita Govinda – In Odissi style of Music”, 2018. |
7 | Awarded with the title of SUR MANI by Sur Shingar Samsad, Vidyapeeth Vidyarthi Bhavan, B rd, Churchgate, Mumbai. May 2008. |
8 | Recipient of “Sangeet Sudhakar Smruti – Brutti’, a scholarship awarded by Sangeet Sudhakar Balkrushna Das Foundation in 2003. |
9 | Youtube Channel: https://youtube.com/channel/UCIFH03TuDK0Fe305sZjmScg |
Book Publications
1 | Odissi Sangeeta Paribesana Dhara, 2012 |
2 | The Essence of Gita Govinda and Odissi Music. IJAR-Indian Journal of Applied Research, Volume: 4, Issue, 10, October 2014 ISSN No: 2249-555X, PP 36-37. |
3 | Contributions of Jayadev to Odissi Music. IJSR – International Journal Of Scientific Research, Volume 3, Issue 10, October 2014, ISSN No: 2277- 8179, PP 24 -25. |
4 | The Unique Features of Odissi Music: An Overview. AIJRHASS, American International Journal of Research in Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences, ISSN (Print) No: 2328-3734, ISSN (Online) No: www.iasir.net, 2328-3696, ISSN (CD-ROM) No: 2328-36888(2), September-November, 2014: PP 157-161. |
5 | The Style of Gita Govinda Recital and Odissi Music. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, ISSN (Online) No: 2319 -7722, ISSN (Print) No: 2319 – 7714 www.ijhssi.org, Volume 4, Issue 10, October 2015: PP 40-43. |
6 | Musicality Of Gita Govinda And Odissi Music. Asian Journal Of Research in Social Sciences & Humanities, ISSN No: 2250- 1665, Vol v, Issue VII, July 2015, PP 31-34. |
7 | Vital Aspects of Odissi Raga And Tala in Jayadev’s Gita Govinda. GJRA, Global Journal For Research Analysis X 38, IF 3.62, IC Value 70.36, Volume 5, Issue 7, July 2016, ISSN No: 2277-8160, PP 33-34. |
8 | Contributions of Jayadev’s Gita Govinda To Odissi Music and Its Trends. 47 PARIPEX- Indian Journal Of Research, ISSN No: 2250-1991, IF: 5.215, IC Value, 77.65, Volume: 5, Issue: 7, July 2016, PP 47- 48. |
9 | A study on Ragas and Talas of Gita Govinda and its contributions towards Odissi music. International Education And Research Journal, E-ISSN No: 2454-9916, Volume 4, Issue 2, Feb 2018, PP 57-58. |
10 | Literary value of Odissi music. PARIPEX-Indian Journal Of Research, ISSN No: 2250- 1991, Volume 10, Issue 09, September 2021 PP. |
Journal Publications
Sl. No. |
Publication Name |
Description |
Image |
1 | Meeta Chahan | Natyanga Style of Odissi Music. A Musical Album by Guru Dr. Dheeraj Mohapatra, Utkal University of Culture. | ![]() |
2 | Manre Aamar | First Bengal CD by Guru Dr. Dheeraj Mohapatra, Utkal University of Culture. | ![]() |
3 | Odissi Dhara | Raganga Style of Odissi Music. A Musical Recordings of by Guru Dr. Dheeraj Mohapatra, Utkal University of Culture. | ![]() |
4 | Hari Hari | Odissi Style of Jayadeva’s Gita Govindam. Music Composition and Voice by Guru Dr. Dheeraj Mohapatra, Utkal University of Culture. | ![]() |