Applied Art & Design

Embark on a transformative career in Applied Art and Design at Utkal University of Culture, where creativity meets innovation. Delve into a comprehensive curriculum curated to blend traditional artistic principles with cutting-edge design methodologies. Guided by a distinguished faculty, explore the dynamic intersection of form and function, learning to visually communicate ideas with impact.

UUC’s commitment to fostering creativity extends to hands-on experiences and collaborative projects, preparing you for the diverse landscape of applied arts. From graphic design to industrial design, the program covers a spectrum of disciplines, ensuring a well-rounded skill set. Engage in an inspiring environment that celebrates cultural diversity, enhancing your ability to create designs that resonate globally.


Dr. Somburu Sovara
Reader, Assistant Professor
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Sri Shuvendu Shubhrajit Gadhai
Resource Person
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Dr. Sasmita Kamila
Resource person
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